To remove the headache associated with O&M manuals for Contractors, streamlining the process in an affordable
manner without compromising quality, to prevent handover delays.
Precision is key, no time lost on re-work. Our platform will help you deliver to your Client what they want.
Time is of the essence, and we understand that. Let our platform help save you time and money, ensuring you deliver to your Client first time, every time.
We provide high quality handover documentation that can be tailored to suit your contract deliverables.
Save Contractor's Time And Money And Ensure Project Hand Over Documentation Is
Provided To The Client On Time.
Procom has a team of experts with over 30 years exposure in the Construction and Resource sectors. We understand the challenges and obstacles
that are faced daily and are here to help. Procom have collaborated with a digital development company to provide an affordable user-friendly
solution to assist Contractors during the Handover Process. In addition to our Handover Platform, we also offer consulting services specialising in Defence
Estate Data and “HOTO” which includes the completion of a GDL for the project.
do the honors,
hover over the button!
Other key resources at Procom available to assist you in achieving a successful handover include.